Silencing Disease, Amplifying Hope
Harnessing the power of cutting-edge RNA oligonucleotides to address clinical unmet needs.
Our mission and vision are driven by a team of accomplished and passionate scientists, united in the commitment to bring hope to patients and make a meaningful impact on their lives.

Our Vision
We believe that oligonucleotide drugs can improve the lives of patients, and address clinical needs unmet by other drug modalities. This is the dawn of the oligonucleotide era, and we are committed to harness all our creativity and grit to the development of novel drugs. This represents our path towards creating a better world.
Our Mission
We are building a sustainable company, which will push the oligonucleotide drugs envelope. Our approach leverages validated RNA drug modalities to address feasible challenges, while seeking breakthroughs based on novel technologies. We aspire to be world leaders via the combination of biological and bioinformatics insights, coupled with the deepest understanding of our clinical domain. Critical thinking, thoroughness, and creativity are the corner stones of our operation.

Core Values
We believe that challenges are opportunities. Overcoming challenges and improving the world cannot be attained without passion for innovation, professionalism, tenacity, persistence, critical thinking and an unrelenting commitment to constant improvement.